Monday, May 13, 2013

Loan 1 - Don't make me THINK!

Feeling snuffly, heading to the public library to kill time. Clearly not in a mood to be challenged, although there is some aspirational material here, in a very Women's Weekly sort of way. Jemima Kidd's Make-up Secrets and Anjum's New Indian, have, let's be honest, been borrowed for the pretty pictures. Although I do feel need I need more instruction in the art of eyebrow maintenance, and I have Anjum Anand's earlier book Indian Food Made Easy (her Paneer, Mushroom and Spinach Wraps? Yum scrum).

Spousonomics (subtitle: how to maximise returns on the biggest investment of your life) could be cheesy and dreadful, but will be full of those great little morality plays: 'John and Lisa have started arguing about finances. John wants to throw everything at their super fund so they can retire at 45. Lisa wants to buy a better house in a better school district.' Who will win? How will they sort it out? And hey, I'm married, so I might learn something.

Speaking of marriage, Clutter's Last Stand I will be carefully storing face down, or spine in. The library must have recently replaced this - they haven't had it for a while - so I grabbed it off the shelf. I love this book, but my husband gets veerry nervous when I read things like this. Whether he worries he'll come home to find I've biffed stuff, or just worries that my expectations will be raised that he should. I'm not sure. Anyway, I will re-read it and enjoy it. Clutter COSTS! Testify, brother!

Mama Mia is another re-read. Written by Mia Freedman about her years as Australian Cosmo's editor in the late 90s and early 2000's, it's a great inside look at the magazine industry. It's also about the growing disconnect between Mia's life as wife and mother and the fun-loving, single, materialistic Cosmo Girl. I often bought Cosmo while she was editor and there is still something about the magazine I really enjoy. Even though I'm years (if not decades) past their demographic. In fact that's probably it, because I didn't buy it when I was in that demographic. More pretty pictures I guess. I also like that it doesn't take itself too seriously.

1 comment:

  1. Cool, Katherine starts a general-public blog on reading and life instead of the in-house work blogs she's tended to work on previously. Also, a much better platform for opinion pieces than good ol' timeleechbook :-) so says The Adoring Husband :-)
